Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact the church?

Call the office at 908-852-3020 or see more details on our contact page.

What types of worship services does Trinity have?

Trinity offers 3 weekend-worship services to provide varying styles and times. For all of our services we invite you to come as you are, with the expectation that you’ll be warmly welcomed, and that if you come with an open heart and mind, God will bless you in some way.

How long does a church service last?

Our services usually go on for one hour and you are more than welcome to come to as many services as you’d like to!

What time does the service begin on Sunday morning?

Our 9:15 a.m. contemporary worship is in our main sanctuary. This service is musically led by the Celebration Praise Band and includes congregational singing of several praise songs, followed by scripture, prayer, and other typical worship components. Words to the songs and scripture are projected on screens.

The design is somewhat informal, and the service is typically led by Lead Pastor Erica Munoz with pastoral and lay liturgists. The service ends at 10:15 am and during this hour our church school classes are held.

10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship is in the sanctuary. This service features hymns sung with our organ, and vocal musical groups of children, youth, and adults, along with music by our English Handbell choirs. The service is typically led by Erica Munoz with clergy and lay liturgists.

Does the church have a worship service on Saturday?

Yes! Saturday Night Worship (SNW) is a casual service in which worshipers sit around circular tables, often with coffee or refreshments. There will usually be families with little children, senior citizens, and all ages in between. The service music is by a praise band, with upbeat contemporary songs, using a screen to project words, scripture passages, and other items. Leadership rotates among the pastoral staff.

Is there any type of childcare provided?

Of course. If you need childcare during a worship service, please accept the loving-kindness of our dedicated team of caregivers at Trinity. We’ve broken down when childcare services are provided during our times of worship. Note: Silent beepers are available for parents.

  • Sunday Worship at 9:15 a.m. offers childcare for children up to age 3. Ages 3 and above attend Church School.
  • Sunday Worship at 10:45 a.m. offers childcare for children aged birth through 3 years old.

Where to Park and Which Entrance is Best

There is a large parking lot behind the main church building and this parking area may NOT be entirely visible from Main Street. Turn right down Moore Street (going West) or left (going East). Moore Street is the nearest crossroad to the church, and when you’re halfway down Moore Street turn right into the parking lot. You will see a large Trinity sign at the entrance. Review the map below for details. We offer several services and while our campus is accessible from many different entrances, we’ll suggest which one is best.

For our 9:15 and 10:45 morning services, enter through the main side entrance at the circular drive. You will see two antique light poles on either side of the walkway. Once inside you will see a welcome display straight ahead, and you are free to take any of the information there about the church. After entering the building turn right to find the sanctuary. In addition, our Main Street front entrance will give you direct access to the sanctuary too.

Saturday Night Worship at 5:00 p.m. is in Trinity House located on Moore Street. Parking is available in a small parking lot accessible from Moore Street. The front doors are located underneath the covered canopy with white columns.

Trinity Campus and Church Map

Take advantage of our campus map, as well as our Church School map to get acquainted with our facilities. Upon arriving at Trinity Church, ask to obtain a classroom map, in either the Church School office (located just inside the lower entrance to Sunday School classrooms) or from the Visitor’s Desk (inside the doors leading up from the sidewalk ramp and parking lot). Of course, do not hesitate to ask anyone should you be uncertain of the right entrance to one of our services or our classrooms.